The Peppa Pig toy set includes a zoo play set, a gate backdrop, and a ticket collector station. The play set includes Peppa Pig and Mr. Lion in their zookeeper outfits, which are 9 cm to scale with some articulation so kids can pose them with accessories. The set also includes a duck and turtle station, which preschoolers will love activating movement on by putting their food down on the hotspot.
Trip To The Zoo With Peppa Pig. With Peppa'S Day At The Zoo Toy,
Preschoolers Can Imagine They'Re Visiting Little Critters Alongside
Peppa And Mr. Lion. 9Cm Scale Poseable Figures. Peppa Pig And Mr. Lion
In His Zookeeper Outfit Are 9Cm To Scale With Some Articulation So Kids
Can Pose Them With Accessories And Imagine Having Fun At The Zoo!Zoo
Gate Backdrop Includes A Backdrop Accessory With Gates That Open And
Close, As Well As A Ticket Collector Station That Mr. Lion Can Stand
Behind. Feed The Zoo Critters. Preschoolers Will Love Activating
Movement On The Duck And Turtle Stations By Putting Their Food Down On
The Hotspot. Makes An Oinktastic Gift For Preschoolers. Peppa Pig Toys
For Girls And Boys Ages 3 Years Old And Up Make Fun Holiday Or Birthday
Gifts For Kids.