Shanky's Whip 750ML

Shanky's Whip is a smooth, easy drinking whiskey-based spirit that is perfect for those who like the idea of drinking whiskey but find the flavour too harsh. It has a dark color and a decadent, sweet aroma with accents of sweet spices. The flavor is balanced with vanilla and infused with caramel, and the finish is rich with Irish whiskey notes. more details
Key Features:
  • Smooth, easy drinking whiskey-based spirit
  • Dark color and decadent, sweet aroma
  • Balanced flavor with vanilla and caramel accents

R379.00 from

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Brand Unbranded
Manufacturer Shankys Whip
Shanky's Whip is a smooth, easy drinking whiskey-based spirit that is perfect for those who like the idea of drinking whiskey but find the flavour too harsh. It has a dark color and a decadent, sweet aroma with accents of sweet spices. The flavor is balanced with vanilla and infused with caramel, and the finish is rich with Irish whiskey notes.

Shanky's Whip is unlike anything ever tasted, and brings something totally new to Irish Whiskey.
Shanky's is a smooth, easy drinking whiskey-based spirit for drinkers who like the idea of drinking whiskey but find the flavour too harsh.
Colour: Dark in colour, like a stout.

Aroma: Decadent and sweet with accents of sweet spices.

Flavour: Balanced with vanilla and infused with caramel.

Finish: Rich flavour dominated by spicy Irish Whiskey notes.What's in the box

1 x Shanky's Whip 750ml
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