The sword is a type X with a type I pommel and a type VII crossguard. It is categorized as a classic medieval sword. The sword is made of 1065 high carbon steel and is 39-1/2 inches long, 2 inches wide, and 3/16 inch thick. The sword weighs 3 lb.
This sword is an Oakeshott Type X with a Type I pommel and a Type VII crossguard.
The Oakeshott typology was created by historian and illustrator Ewart Oakeshott as a way to define and catalogue the medieval sword based on physical form.
It categorizes the swords of the European Middle Ages (roughly 11th to 15th centuries) into 13 main types labelled X to XXII.
Oakeshott introduced it in his treatise The Archaeology of Weapons: Arms and Armour from Prehistory to the Age of Chivalry in 1960.
The system is a continuation of Jan Petersen"s typology of the Viking sword, introduced in De Norske Vikingsverd ("The Norwegian Viking Swords", 1919), modified in 1927 by R.E.M. Wheeler into a typology of nine types labelled I to IX.
The long and wide fuller on this blade lightens the overall sword and make it possible to deliver fast and shearing cuts, capable of cutting through the mail and padding that were worn during the period.
The long guard offers good protection from an opponent"s shield or blade, while the classic wheel pommel brings the sword very nicely into balance.
This type of sword was in service for a long period of time throughout all of Europe.
Classic Medieval Sword includes scabbard.
- Overall: 39 - 1/2"
- Blade: 33" Length, 2" Width, 3/16" Thickness
- Weight: 3 lb
- Material: 1065 High Carbon Steel
Made by Windlass Steelcrafts