This is a Pop! Vinyl figure of Orochimaru from the anime series Naruto Shippuden. Orochimaru is a villain who seeks to gain immortality so that he can learn all of the jutsu and become even more powerful. He can control snakes and can also transform into one. This figure is approximately 3.85-inches tall and is a great addition to any Naruto Shippuden fan's collection.
Many villains simply seek immortality out of their fear of death,
although Pop! Orochimaru (Akatsuki) seeks immortality as a means to
learn all the jutsu, including the kinjutsu. Pop! Orochimaru can
control snakes as well as transform into a snake, and he will slither
his way into your Naruto: Shippuden collection in attempt to sabotage
any who oppose his immoral methods.
Vinyl figure is approximately 3.85-inches tall.Â