The Pop Animation: Kimetsu No Yaiba Demon Slayer Vinyl Figure - Kagaya Ubuyashiki is a collectible figure based on the popular anime series. It features Kagaya Ubuyashiki, the leader of the Demon Slayer Corps, who is seeking revenge for his family's death at the hands of demons. The figure is approximately 4-inches tall and may come with a retailer exclusive or special edition sticker on the box. It is a must-have for fans of the series looking to expand their collection.
Only two of the Kamado family survived a demon attack, and now Tanjiro
and Nezuko are out for revenge. Expand your Demon Slayer collection
with this exclusive Pop! Kagaya Ubuyashiki. This leader of the Demon
Slayer Corps is ready to fight by your side!
Vinyl figure is approximately 4-inches tall.
Product will have either the retailer exclusive or the special edition
sticker on the box.