The product is a hand strap designed for use with TC15TN28 mobile computers. It is compatible with the TC15 and TN28 models and has a weight of 35 kg. The product dimensions are 31cm (L) x 10cm (W) x 34cm (H). The shipping weight and dimensions are also 35 kg and 31cm (L) x 10cm (W) x 34cm (H) respectively.
Zebra Hand Strap for TC15TN28 Mobile ComputersSG-TC1XTN28-HSTR-01
Hand strap; compatible with TC15; TN28 mobile computers
Product Weight:35 kg
Product Dimensions:31cm(L) x 10cm(W) x 34cm(H)
shipping weight:35 kg
Shipping Dimensions:31cm(L) x 10cm(W) x 34cm(H)