The Gentech 3.0 Kva Digital Inverter Generator Pure Sine Wave is a product with a 2 year warranty and a service guarantee. It has a size of 3.0 KVA and its model is GP3000iY. The product weighs 50 kg and has dimensions of 632mm(L) x 488mm(W) x 562mm(H). The shipping weight and dimensions are also 50 kg and 632mm(L) x 488mm(W) x 562mm(H) respectively.
Service Guarantee
2 year warranty
3.0 KVA
Product/Packaging Information
Product Weight
50 kg
Product Dimensions
632mm(L) x 488mm(W) x 562mm(H)
Shipping Weight
50 kg
Shipping Dimensions
632mm(L) x 488mm(W) x 562mm(H)