The 150CM Artificial Frosted Pine Christmas Tree is a lifelike and full foliage tree that is perfect for creating a festive holiday atmosphere. It is recommended to choose a tree with many thick branches and a wide profile for larger rooms, and a tree with fewer but longer branches for smaller rooms. The more tips the tree has, the fuller it will appear. After unpacking, the tree can be easily assembled and stored away after the holiday season.
A beautiful Christmas tree is the beating heart of the holiday house, where countless joyful memories are made beneath its glimmering ornaments. Re-defining the concept of artificial Christmas trees as we know them they are full in foliage and lifelike in look - great for generating a festive holiday vibe, year after year.
If you want your new Christmas Tree to serve as a focal point in a large, open room, opt for a tree with many thick branches and a wide profile. In a smaller, more compact room, a tree with fewer but longer branches will do the trick.
Tip: the more tips an artificialtree has, the fuller it would appear.
After unpacking your tree, gently fluff the needles, branches, and tips to give it a full, natural appearance. Simple to assemble and store away after the holidays are over.