The Konix Naruto Gaming Headset Akatsuki, also known as the KX Naruto Akatsuki Headset or the Naruto - Akatsuki Gaming Headset, is designed for communication, comfort, accessibility, simple configuration, and quality sound. It features a faithful rendering of sound for effective communication, thick ear pads and a sturdy headband for comfort during long use, and a microphone function that can be easily turned on and off with buttons on the remote control. The headset connects directly to the controller through a 3.5mm jack and a splitter is provided for multiple audio outputs. The microphone has a frequency range of 20Hz to 20KHz, ensuring high-quality sound.
Naruto - Akatsuki Gaming Headset
The faithful rendering of sound will give you and your team excellent means of communication. Thanks to this headset, you will be able to hear and be heard without a problem.
Its thick ear pads and sturdy headband, the headset is designed to be comfortable even after hours of use thanks to its thick ear pads and sturdy headband. The headband adjusts easily to fit any body type.
You can turn the microphone function on and off in an instant with the buttons available on the remote control built into the headset cable.
The headset connects directly with the controller through the 3.5mm jack. A splitter is even provided to multiply the audio outputs from one single output.
The microphone sound has a frequency of 20Hz to 20KHz which transcribe a quality sound.