Toddler Balance Double Wheel Bike No Foot Pedal Riding
Mini balance bike no-pedal bike with a 135-degree steering range,
Comfortable for your toddlers use.
Durable 6-inch EVA tyres for slip resistance to maintain the safety of your little one.
The mini balance bike is a great starter bike for your toddlers.
Develop balance and confidence as they go through development where they are learning to stand, walk, and play.
With its steel frame, comfortable seat, and enclosed non-slip wheels, the bike is not just stylish to look at, its also functional.
Fully Assembled no need for fancy or complicated tools.
- Suitable for Height: 80 - 120 cm
- Ages: Suitable for 1 to 3 Years olds
- Seat Height: 28 cm
- Handlebar height: 40 cm
What's in the box
1x Toddler Balance Bike