
Early Warning Device
Intruders approaching silently are unexpectedly scared off with a big BANG!!
Mr Nobody "shoots" at intruders without a gun.
Protect people & property.
Safeguard common entry/escape routes.
Can help as an early warning at long perimeter fences or borders.
TheBangPenis adevice with a tripwire and a shotgun primer to keep out illegal trespasser... more details

R825.00 from Dyehard Paintball

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Current Price: R825.00

Brand Unbranded
Manufacturer Voice Alert Pretoria
Early Warning Device
Intruders approaching silently are unexpectedly scared off with a big BANG!!
Mr Nobody "shoots" at intruders without a gun.
Protect people & property.
Safeguard common entry/escape routes.
Can help as an early warning at long perimeter fences or borders.
TheBangPenis adevice with a tripwire and a shotgun primer to keep out illegal trespassers and intruders in remote areas. The tripwire can be set in the length or direction you choose!
When the tripwire is triggered, the BangPen releases a very loud shotgun noise.
The BangPen does not fire any projectile, it only makes a loud noise.
The volume of theBangPenis naturally controlled by the silence of the night.
The mechanism itself has been designed to be as silent as possible.
Operation of the BangPen
Decide where you are going to place your BangPen because it will determine how long your tripwire should be used. The 2019 Model is manual or electronic with an app on your phone.
Take one or more tripwires (regular fishing line but not so thin that it stretches - the best is Braid - expensive but excellent, very thin, strong invisible and does not stretch) through the Guiding
Eye and fasten them to the hole in the lever.
Now attach your BangPen (with screws or cable ties) Try to hide.
Pull up the Striker until the lever falls back.
Tighten your tripwires and attach them to the other end of the area you want to cover. Our recommendation is the tripwires should be a little slack..
Put a cap in the Cap-container
Mission completed - Your Bangpen is set and now you are just waiting for your offender
Uses of the Bangpen
Set up in areas where unwanted visitors arrive at times you do not expect, e.g. such as equipment stores, sheep pens, chicken pens and vehicles. If you are going to camp, around your tent or caravan.
Most important - At your home!!
Definitely bring one tripwire inside your home so that you can activate (pull) it if needed. The husband is not at home, wife and children alone. They realize there is someone outside. Pull the tripwire that is inside the house and the big shot goes off. outside. There is a 99% chance that the intruder will run away because his element of surprise has been taken away.
Take Note!!The BangPen is designed to only shoot shotgun caps and not any projectiles.
To be in possession of Shotgun Primers you have to be in possession of any legal firearm licence, not necessarily a shotgun licence
Keep out of reach of children. (Not lethally dangerous but can hurt small hands and maybe eyes)
Do not install on animal routes
Vroe* Waarskuwings Toestel
Betreders tot U eiendom word onverwags afgeskrik met 'n groot slag (klank)
Mnr Niemand "skiet" betreders sonder 'n geweer
Beskerm mense & eiendom
Beskerm algemene ingang/uitgang roetes
Kan as vroe* waarskuwing dien op eiendomme waar die grense ver vd geboue af is
DieBANG!!PENis 'n toestel bestaande uit 'nStruikeldraad ("tripwire") & 'n haelgeweer doppiepatroon.
Wanneer die struikeldraad afgesit word, sal die BangPen 'n harde haelgeweer klank loslaat.
Die BangPen vuur nie enige projektiel nie, dit maak net 'n harde klank.
Die volume vdBangPenword deur die stilte vd nag bepaal.
Met die nuwe 2016 model BangPen het ons die sneller meganisme heelwat verander sodat dit baie makliker aftrek en ook n lippie met n gaatjie aangebring waardeur die lyntjie kom voordat dit die sneller aftrek.
Dit het nou meer voordele aangesien die toutjie nou in enige rigting gespan kan word en dit sal steeds die sneller in die regte rigting aftrek.
Daar kan ook meer as een lyntjie deur die gaatjie en aan die sneller vasgemaak word en dus kan verskeie rigtings met een bangpen gedek word.
Werking van die BangPen
Besluit waar jy jou BangPen gaan plaas want dit gaan bepaal hoe lank jou struikeldrade moet wees wat jy gaan gebruik. Die 2019 model kan ook elektronies met n applikasie op foon geaktiveer word.
Neem een of meer struikeldrade (gewone Vislyn maar nie so dun dat dit rek nie die beste is Braid duur maar uitstekend, dun, sterk, baie onsigbaar en rek gladnie) deur die Begeleidingsoog en maak hulle aan
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