Lady's Mantle 50ML

Lady's Mantle 50ml
Lady's Mantle is a delicate and beneficial herb with a rich history of use in traditional medicine. Its health benefits span menstrual and menopausal support, wound healing, digestive health, and antioxidant properties.
Ladys Mantle is an herbal tincture that has been used traditionally for its health benefits.
Menstruation Support: Ladys Mantle is renowned for... more details

R104.51 from Knysna Health

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Current Price: R104.51

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Lady's Mantle 50ml
Lady's Mantle is a delicate and beneficial herb with a rich history of use in traditional medicine. Its health benefits span menstrual and menopausal support, wound healing, digestive health, and antioxidant properties.
Ladys Mantle is an herbal tincture that has been used traditionally for its health benefits.
Menstruation Support: Ladys Mantle is renowned for alleviating uncomfortable menstruation symptoms, including cramps. It may also help regulate irregular periods and lighten heavy flow.
Ladies Hormone Stabilizer: Ladys Mantle is believed to help regulate hormones in women.
Excessive Bleeding: It has been used to address excessive menstrual bleeding.
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