Uncompromising performance
Athletically slim, super-lightweight and extremely well ventilated the high-performance road bike helmet uvex rise cc Womens Edition impresses with its elegant design and outstanding level of safety.
A new personal best calls for road cyclists to pull out all the stops and test their own limits. The uvex rise cc WE is the perfect helmet for women riders in search of top performances, when they have to rely 100 per cent on their equipment. Perfection in design and top function play a crucial role here as well. And this is precisely what makes the uvex rise cc WE stand out. The ultra-modern road cycling helmet combines a super-lightweight double inmould design with clear contours, large ventilation channels, fast-drying padding and a pronounced rear section for improved protection at the back of the head. The anatomic IAS system adjusts the helmet to fit. One especially clever feature is the docking port for storing cycling glasses.