One Foot In The Grave is a six-season British television comedy series that follows the life of Victor Meldrew, an archetypal grumpy old man who is forced into early retirement. The series consists of episodes from the first six seasons.
Every episode from Series 1-6 of the TV comedy featuring Richard
Wilson as Victor Meldrew, the archetypal Grumpy Old Man, who has
been forced into early retirement and is perpetually enraged by
seemingly every aspect of modern life. The episodes are: 'I'll
Retire to Bedlam', 'The Eternal Quadrangle', 'The Return of the
Speckled Bird', 'Alive and Buried', 'Big Sleep', 'The Valley of
Fear', 'In Luton Airport, No One Can Hear You Scream', 'We Have Put
Her Living in the Tomb', 'Dramatic Fever', 'Who Will Buy?', 'Love
and Death', 'Timeless Time', 'Monday Morning Will Be Fine',
'Dreamland', 'The Broken Reflection', 'The Beast in the Cage',
'Beware the Trickster on the Roof', 'The Worst Horror of All', 'The
Pit and the Pendulum', 'Descent Into the Maelstrom', 'Hearts of
Darkness', 'Warm Champagne', 'The Trial', 'Secret of the Seven
Sorcerers', 'The Man Who Blew Away', 'Only a Story', 'The Affair of
the Hollow Lady', 'Rearranging the Dust', 'Hole in the Sky', 'The
Exterminating Angel', 'The Executioner's Song', 'Tales of Terror',
'Futility of the Fly', 'Threatening Weather', 'The Dawn of Man' and
'Things Aren't Simple Any More'.