The book "Nambe Year One" is a novel about Gypsies and Payasos who reportedly wandered through the mountains of northern New Mexico many years ago. The story portrays local folklore themes from the old days--and of old ways--of the people in this rugged region. Thomas E. Chvez, from the Foreword, describes the book as a contribution that stands among the stars, for, truly, it is as valuable.
Long out of print,
Namb Year One is a novel of Gypsies and Payasos who reportedly wandered through the mountains of northern New Mexico many years ago. The story portrays local folklore themes from the old days--and of old ways--of the people in this rugged region. "Romero's book is a novel, but not just a novel. It is philosophy, a metaphysical self-exploration into faith, heritage, and humanity. . . . As I read the book for the second time I began to comprehend that the message of this book is not for the self-centered and self-fooled, those people with pretensions of superiority. This is a book for the weak and lost who are really neither, for they are determined and strong enough to want to know the 'why' and 'what' of their very being. . . ."This work is a contribution that stands among the stars, for, truly, it is as valuable."--Thomas E. Chvez, from the Foreword