The game is set in 1962 during the height of the Cold War, and tells the story of the first encounter between XCOM and a mysterious and devastating enemy. The player is able to control special agent William Carter, and must lead XCOM in the high-stakes secret war for humanity's survival by repelling the outside threat and covering up the enemy's existence. Unique to this game is the fact that it is set in 1960's America, and the player is able to be the field leader as William Carter, call the shots, and pull the trigger in tactical combat. There are no second chances in this game, and players must pay for their mistakes with permadeath. The player can also customise their squad with unique skill trees.
Set in 1962 at the height of the Cold War, The Bureau tells the origin story of the clandestine XCOM organization's first encounter with a mysterious and devastating enemy.Originally established as America's covert defense against the Soviet Union, The Bureau must adapt and overcome a threat unlike anything the world has faced before.As special agent William Carter, players will call the shots and pull the trigger, leading their squad of agents in the high-stakes secret war for humanity's survival. Paramount to repelling the outside threat is The Bureau's ability to cover-up the enemy's existence in order to prevent worldwide panic. Uncover the truth behind mankind's first enemy invasion Unique game in 1960's America Be the Field Leader as William Carter, Call the shots, Pull the trigger Formulate the plan of Action in Tactical Combat as you command your squad No second chances- pay for your mistakes with Permadeath Strategic Reflexes - split second decisions can save the lives of your squad Customise your squad with unique skill trees.