The artist Hog Brush Fan Lh No 6 is a high-quality hog brush made from the finest materials with the highest level of craftsmanship. It is ideal for use in portraiture and landscapes, and is particularly useful for blending trees, skies, and delicate textures. The bristles are flagged, which allows the brush to carry more color and apply it evenly.
For blending, softening edges & creating textures.Excellent for portraiture and landscapes and particularly useful for trees, skies and delicate blending.Artists Hog is our highest quality hog brush and provides a level of performance that is unrivalled. It is made from the finest materials with the highest level of craftsmanship, and achieves the degree of sensitivity demanded by discerning artists. By using the finest Chunking hog bristles, the hair is extremely resilient and the brush retains its working edge and shape for far longer. The bristles are also flagged (i.e. split at the ends) giving the brush the ability to carry more colour and then to apply it evenly to the surface.The natural curve of the bristle is utilised to produce a consistent shape.Artists Hog brushes give an unrivalled performance and a lifetime of service. They are the choice of brush for oil colour professionals.
Specifications..BWHF6 - Size 6 5cm at the widest point