The product is Ceramic Paint, and it is made of solvent-based colors that are ideal for decorating ceramics. It is very good for lightfastness and has a high color mixability. It dries quickly in air, but can be scratched or washed in cold water without soaking. The colors are dry dust-free in 3 hours after 48 hours. The product is meant for decorative use only and is resistant to scratching and washing.
Properties:QUALITY: Opaque and very bright, solvent based colours, ideal for decorating ceramics. Very good lightfastness.COLOUR MIXABILITY: YesDRYING: Oxidation in air. The colours are dry dust free in 3 hours at heart after 48 hours.SURFACES: Terracotta, ceramicTHINNER: Odourless mineral spirit or white spirit
Opacity: Opaque
Finish: BrilliantCARING (decorated supports): After drying, the colours are resistant to scratching and washing in cold water without soaking.BRUSHES: Pébéo Cobra deco or Iris brushesBRUSH CLEANING: Odourless mineral spirit or white spirit.Product Usage:The Ceramic colours are ideal on terracotta and earthenware. To maximize the brightness on porous surfaces it is recommended to apply, prior to painting, a filler undercoat. On rounded surfaces, be careful not to overload to avoid runs. Ceramic colours can be applied with brush, sponge, screen or bath. A sufficiently thick layer of colour can be combined with another material like sand or engraved with a stick. Objects decorated with Ceramic colours are for decorative use only. Always clean brushes thoroughly with white spirit or odourless mineral spirit, then rinse with soapy water.