This is a MSDS for Gedeo Resin Plaster 1KG. The product is a top quality alpha plaster that is very hard and very white. It is recommended for use in moulding objects that require fineness strength and whiteness. It has no lumps and limits the appearance of bubbles. The product can be mixed with water to create a plaster, and it should be set and demoulded after 30 minutes.
Top quality alpha plaster. Due to its exceptional hardness, after drying, it can be compared to polyester resins. Recommended for moulding objects that require fineness strength and whiteness. For professional adults. -Extra Hard -Very White -Very Fine -No lumps, limits the appearance of bubbles. Mixing advice: 3 parts powder to 1 part water. Beginning of setting: 8 minutes End of setting: 15 minutes Demoulding: recommended after 30 minutes The preparation of plaster: Pour water into a large container. Spread the plaster on the surface of the water. Allow the plaster to absorb the water for 1-2 minutes without mixing. Then stir gently and allow air bubbles to rise to the surface. Never add water after the mixing. Slowly pour the plaster along the side of the mould. For complex shapes, empty and start again.