Artisan paints are made with safflower oil in place of linseed oil, which makes the paint a lighter color and allows the use of paler pigments that retain their brightness. If you are painting with pale colors often, you may want to use Artisan water mixable safflower oil in place of linseed oil to make the paint more consistent and increase gloss and transparency. Safflower oil is slow drying, so it should not be used under layers that dry quickly, such as fast drying mediums.
Some Artisan colours, whites and other pale colours contain Safflower Oil instead of or in addition to Linseed Oil. As it is a paler yellow, the paler pigments maintain their brightness. If painting a lot with pale colours, you may choose to use Artisan Water Mixable Safflower Oil instead of Linseed to reduce their consistency. It also increases gloss and transparency. Safflower Oil is slow drying and should not be used under faster drying layers, e.g. Fast Drying Medium, umbers etc.