The Walking Dead: Season Two Playstation Vita game cartridge is a five-part episodic game based on the popular comic and television show of the same name. The game follows the story of young girl Clementine as she tries to survive in an increasingly unstable world after the events of Season One. The game offers new characters, groups, and threats, and players have a limited amount of time to make agonizing decisions that have lasting effects.
Originally released in five installments by the episodic experts at Telltale Games, The Walking Dead: Season Two puts players in the middle of a zombie apocalypse based on the popular comic and television show of the same name. The story picks up several months after the conclusion of Season One, with gamers taking control of the young girl Clementine as she tries to survive in an increasingly unstable world. The game offers new characters, groups, and threats, and as always, players have a limited amount of time to make agonizing decisions, and their choices have lasting effects. ~ Christopher Brown, All Game Guide.
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