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One of the key recommendations of the Review Report of the Task Team that reviewed the NCS curriculum was of prioritising the teaching of English First Additional Language (FAL), and its introduction into the curriculum from Grade 1. Research shows that many schools are delaying the introduction of English until Grade 3, which is the year before learners are expected to learn through English as the medium of instruction. Learners' proficiency in English by the end of Grade 3 is not always sufficient for them to make the transition to English as the language of learning and teaching (LOLT) in Grade 4. Whilst policy states that English should be taught alongside mother tongue from Grade 1, in practice this is not happening. This can be attributed to the emphasis on mother tongue instruction but it is also due to widespread confusion about how additive bilingualism (teaching English and the home language in parallel) is implemented in practice. Teaching English as a First Additional Language: Guidelines for the Foundation Phase provides clear pedagogical steps and curriculum guidance to be used in teaching reading and writing in mother tongue and English in parallel. The book will provide clarity around the differences between home language instruction and the teaching of English as FAL. It will also provide clear support in implementing the policy spelt out in the curriculum documentation.