This book is about growing up in the Victorian era and what it was like. There are timeline pages that help children to recap the main events of the era. The text is non-chronological, which makes it a good choice for Accelerated Reader. The book is paired with a fiction story about a family in post-World-War-Two London deciding whether to move out to a new town. This book can be used to help children learn about history, what it was like to live in Victorian Britain, and how the Victorian era affected different parts of society.
(This title is available on demand : expected date of dispatch will be 4-7 working days once ordered)
Imagine you were a child in Victorian times. What was your day like? What did you wear, eat and play with? Did you go to school, or out to work? Find out what life was like for children in this enthralling non-fiction book. * Diamond/Band 17 books offer more complex, underlying themes to give opportunities for children to understand causes and points of view. * A timeline on pages 54 and 55 help children to recap the main events of the Victorian era. * Text type: A non-chronological report * This book is paired with Moving Out a fiction story set in the past about a family in post-World-War-Two London deciding whether to move out to a New Town. * Curriculum links: History: What was it like for children living in Victorian Britain. * This book has been quizzed for Accelerated Reader