Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas is a popular installment in the renowned Grand Theft Auto series. The game follows the story of Carl Johnson, who returns to his hometown of Los Santos after five years to find it plagued by drugs and gang violence. His mother has been killed, his family is in disarray, and his childhood friends have turned to a life of crime. After being framed for murder by corrupt police officers, Carl takes matters into his own hands and becomes the leader of the streets. The game also includes side missions that allow players to develop skills that are useful in the main storyline, such as working out at the gym and gambling at a casino.
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Greatest Hits is part of the legendary series. Carl Johnson left the San Andreas neighborhood of Los Santos five years ago, when it was being ripped apart by drugs and gang violence. When he returns in the early 90s, his mother has been killed, his family has fallen apart and his childhood friends are criminals. When crooked cops frame him for murder, he decides to save himself and his family by taking over the streets. Side missions help develop skills that come into play later -- from working out at the gym to gambling in a casino