Witnesses is a French crime drama that follows Sandra Winckler (Marie Dompnier), a young detective in charge of a case involving unrelated dead bodies being left inside model homes. When a photo of retired detective Paul Maisonneuve (Thierry Lhermitte) is found at the crime scene, he is forced to return to duty and help Winckler conduct her investigation. However, does Maisonneuve know more about the crimes than he is willing to reveal?
All six episodes from the first season of the French crime drama.
The series follows Sandra Winckler (Marie Dompnier), the young
detective in charge of a case involving unrelated dead bodies being
left inside model homes. When a photo of retired detective Paul
Maisonneuve (Thierry Lhermitte) is found at the crime scene, he is
forced to return to duty and help Winckler conduct her
investigation. But does Maisonneuve know more about the crimes than
he is willing to reveal?