The Gamblin Artists Cool White 150ML paint is perfect for painters working in cool light situations, such as painting under an overcast sky. It is based on our Titanium Zinc White formula, which has a perfect balance of blue pigment to lighten and cool other colors, while maintaining their hue. The paint is also lightfast in the I series, and has a safflower oil vehicle.
Cool White: Perfect for painters working in cool light situations, such as painting under an overcast sky. Based on our Titanium Zinc White formula, it has a perfect balance of blue pigment to lighten and cool other colours, while maintaining their hue.
Pigment: Titanium dioxide, copper phthalocyanine, zinc oxide (PW 6, PB 15:2, PW 4) Vehicle: Safflower oil Lightfastness I, Series 1, OPAQUE
pdf=Gamblin Artists Cool White Data Sheet.pdf Gamblin Artists Cool White Data Sheet