The Book of Alternative Photographic Processes, 3e is a comprehensive guide to the various alternative photographic processes, including digital printing, contact printing, wet plate collodion, and photochemical silver development. The book is written for students and professionals, and is an essential resource for anyone interested in photography.
The definitive textbook for students and professionals studying the art of handmade photographic prints, The Book of Alternative Photographic Processes, 3e brings students, hobbyists, and professionals up to date with the latest techniques and artists.
The 1st edition set the standard for alternative photo books. The 2nd, was a real knockout, totally unexpected, I thought the 2nd was the landmark edition, that Mr. James could sit back and enjoy life again. Then this happened, the 3rd edition. It's like meal in a Michelin 3-star restaurant, the courses keep coming getting better and better. It's a book not only for a photographer making photographs with these processes, but an essential book for anyone concerned with photography. It should be in a handy reach of every curator, photography dealer, art critic, and photo historian. And lastly, it's just a good read, sit back and enjoy.