The authors of the successful New All-in-One series for Grades R to 3 present the Best Books Graded Reading Series. The reading series is written by experts in the field of elementary teaching and reading. All the writers already have a number of graded readers, which are used in many classrooms. The series was developed under the guidance of Mart Meij, who has enjoyed great success with her readers used in schools. Overview of the reading series: The Best Books Graded Reading Series for Home Language was developed for Foundation Phase learners to encourage young reader's language level; vocabulary to expand; learning words; improve reading speed. This reading series is growing in excitement and make students eager to read! These readers have interesting and fun themes and important initial knowledge that follows the requirements of the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement. The books are graded according to level language - easy to difficult to more difficult. Make the Best Books Graded Reading Series part of your classroom!