For decades, we believed the keys to personal wealth were a college diploma and marketable job skills-but no more. Today, your best hope for financial security is literally right at your feet: it's your cat. The Internet offers an unprecedented opportunity for cats to become superstar personalities and global multimedia brands-but how can a human cash in? How to Make Your Cat an Internet Celebrity has the answers. Readers will learn the secrets of grooming their kitty for success, creating a terrific viral video, and making the most of the famous feline's fifteen minutes. With practical yet tongue-in-cheek advice, this get-rich-quick guide for the modern era celebrates the brightest stars of the Internet and gives you everything you need to follow in their venerable pawprints.
I need this manual. You probably do too. Highly entertaining and hilarious, with a bit of tongue-in-cheek sarcasm, How to Make Your Cat an Internet Celebrity is worth even the 15 minutes of fame your feline may warrant. -- Creator's Syndicate This is an actually, seriously funny thing... a book that can make you literally do what the initials LOL originally meant. -- Austin Chronicle a hilarious guide to turning your feline into the next Maru. -- Washington Post Express If my purrsonal assistants had access to all the information in this marvelous book back when I started playing the piano all those years ago, I'm certain the road to my own internet fame would have had fewer bumps along the way. A must-read for anyone wishing to aid their favorite feline in becoming an internet celebrity. - Nora The Piano Cat Patricia Carlin has taken a hot topic and turned it into state-of-the-art comedy. Even [people] who hate cats will find this one amusing. --Anna Jedrziewski, Retailing Insight For eons cats have been playful, inquisitive, empathetic, and all-around loving companions. And for eons man has thought, 'Yeah, but what's in it for me?' But now with How to Make Your Cat an Internet Celebrity, man and feline can join forces to achieve levels of stardom, merchandising, and unique resume additions heretofore unimagined, all so that one day you can achieve the obscene level of wealth necessary to use the word 'summer' as a verb. --Francesco Marciuliano, I Could Pee on This and Other Poems by Cats