The product is a homoeopathic hemorrhoid formula that is said to help with the treatment of haemorrhoids. The ingredients include a medicinal alcohol, which will evaporate once added to a little lukewarm water.
A homoeopathic remedy that assists the treatment of haemorrhoids Dosage: 10 Drops on the tongue every hour for acute cases. Reduce dosage to 4 times daily once improvement is noticed and for long term use This product contains medicinal alcohol which will evaporate once added to a little lukewarm water.
- Silybum marianum D2
- Malilotus off. D4
- Hammamelis virg. D3
- Collinsonia canad. D2
- Nux vomica D6- Ginkgo biloba D2
- Wyethia helenoides D6- Aesculus hipp. fruct. D1 Alcohol content: 60 percent.