Hope On Hopkins London Dry Gin 750ml

This gin is a classic with a smooth and sophisticated taste. It is perfect for a gin and tonic or a martini, but can also be enjoyed on its own. It is locally distilled in Cape Town, and has hints of citrus and rosemary complementing juniper. more details
Key Features:
  • A smooth, sophisticated taste
  • Perfect for a gin and tonic or martini
  • Locally distilled in Cape Town

R399.00 from

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Current Price: R399.00


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Brand Unbranded
Manufacturer Hope On Hopkins
Model Number HOPELON
This gin is a classic with a smooth and sophisticated taste. It is perfect for a gin and tonic or a martini, but can also be enjoyed on its own. It is locally distilled in Cape Town, and has hints of citrus and rosemary complementing juniper.

  • A classic gin, locally distilled in Cape Town

  • A smooth and sophisticated take on a classic, with hints of citrus complementing rosemary and juniper

  • Perfect for a gin and tonic, served with a twist of lemon zest and a sprig of rosemary), yet smooth enough for a martini

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