God Wars Future Past PS4

The story follows Princess Kaguya and her childhood friend, Kintaro, as they travel across Mizuho in search of answers about what happened to Tsukuyomi 13 years ago. They discover that the land was once beautiful, but that it has since become divided into three warring nations: Fuji, Izumo, and Hyuga. These nations are responsible for the destruction of nature and the rise of natural disasters, an... more details
Key Features:
  • An epic story following Princess Kaguya and her childhood friend, Kintaro, as they travel across Mizuho in search of answers about what happened to Tsukuyomi 13 years ago.
  • Discover the secret behind Tsukuyomi's decision and work together to change Mizuho for the better.
  • Battle against various characters who help you on your quest, including a priest who was responsible for imprisoning Kaguya's sister, a swordsman who is trying to stop the war, and a girl who is trying to find her way in the world.

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Brand Unbranded
Format PlayStation 4
Manufacturer Unbranded
Model Number 0813633018454
The story follows Princess Kaguya and her childhood friend, Kintaro, as they travel across Mizuho in search of answers about what happened to Tsukuyomi 13 years ago. They discover that the land was once beautiful, but that it has since become divided into three warring nations: Fuji, Izumo, and Hyuga. These nations are responsible for the destruction of nature and the rise of natural disasters, and Kaguya and Kintaro are determined to stop them. Along the way, they encounter various characters who help them on their quest, including a priest who was responsible for imprisoning Kaguya's sister, a swordsman who is trying to stop the war, and a girl who is trying to find her way in the world. Ultimately, Kaguya and Kintaro find out the truth behind Tsukuyomi's decision and work together to change Mizuho for the better.

GOD WARS Future Past /PS4

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