The BBC crime drama "Rillington Place" follows serial killer John Christie and his estranged wife Ethel as they re-acquaint themselves after he is released from prison and move into their new home together at 10 Rillington Place in London. There, the couple befriend their new neighbours, newlyweds Tim and Beryl Evans. When Tim's wife and baby daughter die, he is tried for their murders and sentenced to hang. The trial, in which John Christie is a key prosecution witness, places further strain on his marriage and sets a series of events in motion that ultimately reveal Christie's real role in the killings.
Tim Roth stars as serial killer John Christie in this three-part BBC crime drama.
Rillington Place follows Christie and his estranged wife Ethel as they reacquaint themselves after he is released from prison and move into their new home together at 10 Rillington Place in London. There, the couple befriend their new neighbours, newly-weds Tim and Beryl Evans. When Tim's wife and baby daughter die, he is tried for their murders and sentenced to hang.
The trial, in which John Christie is a key prosecution witness, places further strain on his marriage and sets a series of events in motion that ultimately reveal Christie's real role in the killings.