The Mischief Monster is an adventure story about a group of friends who go on a mission to find a runaway daughter of the queen of the Mischief Monsters. Along the way, they learn about the dangers of a Mischief War and the importance of family.
The latest adventure of Edward and Moongobble, the bumbling magician, takes the friends on a mission to Monster Mountain to find the runaway daughter of the queen of the Mischief Monsters. Illustrations.
Sometimes when you get what you want, it's not as good as you thought it would be. Ever since Edward's good friend Moongobble became a full magician, life has been rather boring. No more adventures. But then Snelly comes bursting into their lives. Snelly is small -- only a foot tall -- but she's a bundle of trouble. She's the daughter of the queen of the Mischief Monsters, and she has run away. Edward, Moongobble, and their friends learn that they must return Snelly to her home right away, or her mom will start a Mischief War. And that would be really annoying So Edward, Moongobble, Urk, and Fireball set off on another adventure, this time to return Snelly to her home in Monster Mountain. But when they get there they find a bigger surprise waiting for them than they ever could have imagined. And Edward won't have to worry about being bored for a very long time