The story "Tale of Tamari" follows a fourteen-year-old girl named Tamari who lives with her brother after their parents' death. They live in a home with lodgers, and their uncle is more focused on making money than taking care of them. Despite their difficult circumstances, the story is not sad or preachy, but instead offers a refreshing and empathetic perspective on life in Zimbabwe for orphans.
Tamari is fourteen. Her parents have died and she lives with her brother, Kuda, in their home where the rooms have been let to lodgers. Her Uncle Banda supposedly keeps an eye on them, but is more concerned about how much money he can make from the tenants. The Tale of Tamari is not a sad or didactic story, but one which delights us with its freshness and its empathy, besides giving us a richly varied slice of life in Zimbabwe today as orphans make their way into a future.