The Casio FX-82 ZA Plus Scientific Calculator has a number of features that make it a useful tool for performing various calculations. It includes a memory for storing previous answers to recursive functions, statistics data handling, and regression analysis, as well as a random integer function for generating random numbers. Additionally, the calculator has a prime factorization function and a time conversion function. It also includes a co-ordinate transformation function that is enhanced by the dual table function, and a power off function that can be set to automatically turn off the calculator after a certain amount of time (10 minutes/60 minutes).
Casio FX-82ZA Plus II Scientific Calculator - Black
- Previous answer key for recursive functions
- 9 memories
- Statistics – data handling and regression analysis
- Random integers for statistics
- Prime factorization
- Time conversion calculations
- Co-ordinate transformation – enhanced by dual table function
- Selectable auto power off (10 min / 60 min)