Sipsmith 750ml London Dry Gin

The Sipsmith 750ml London Dry Gin is a classic expression of a London Dry Gin. It is bold, complex, and aromatic, and is smooth enough for a Martini, but rich and balanced, perfect for a G&T. The Sipsmith 750ml London Dry Gin was launched in 2009, and is the first gin distillery to be opened in London in over 200 years. The renaissance of gin distilling in London is a cause for celebration. more details
Key Features:
  • 750ml bottle
  • London Dry Gin
  • Bold and complex

R349.00 from

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Brand Unbranded
Country London
Manufacturer Sipsmith
Model Number 5060204340000
Producer Sipsmith
Region england
Varietal Gin
Winery sipsmith
The Sipsmith 750ml London Dry Gin is a classic expression of a London Dry Gin. It is bold, complex, and aromatic, and is smooth enough for a Martini, but rich and balanced, perfect for a G&T. The Sipsmith 750ml London Dry Gin was launched in 2009, and is the first gin distillery to be opened in London in over 200 years. The renaissance of gin distilling in London is a cause for celebration.

The quintessential expression of a classic, traditional London Dry Gin. Bold, complex and aromatic smooth enough for a Martini, but rich and balanced, perfect for a G&T. In 2009, on a mission to bring gin of uncompromising quality and character back to the city where it all began, we threw open our blue doors of hope on Nasymth Street and launched a traditional copper distillery which, and we're a little overexcited about this, no one had done in London for nearly 200 years. It was to mark the beginning of a gin distilling renaissance in London. And who doesn't love a renaissance.
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