The product is a quiz board with 12 different topics and a spinner. The topics are marked on the board and the spinner is at the center. The timer is adjustable and there are 2 concentric alphabet discs. The discs can be turned by the children. The children spin the spinner and if they are not able to guess the answer they can refer to the Reference Book which has over 5000 entries on the topic. This way the children are revising their knowledge, reinforcing it and testing it.
Quiz Time-Part-3 12 curriculum related topics on the world Geography and other areas are marked on a beautifully illustrated play board, with 2 adjustable concentric alphabet discs and a spinner at the centre. Children spin the spinner and within the time limit of the timer, compete to tell a word beginning with any of the two letters, on the topic where the spinner comes to rest. In case they are not able to guess the correct name they may refer the given Reference Book more than 5000useful entries on the given topics. In this way children revise, reinforce and test their knowledge together in a fun and relaxed environment and develop their thinking and memory skills.