This book is about how to implement a strategy. It is written by a professor and it is published by Juta Academic. The book is available in paperback.
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Practising Strategy: A Southern African Context
Practising Strategy: A Southern African Context
Given the common acknowledgement that strategy implementation is the greatest challenge to managers in the 21st century and the greatest reason for strategy failure we decided to focus on strategy implementation. Rather than promoting the unrealistic idea of strategy as a purely rational and deliberate outcome, this book acknowledge and explore the idea that strategy is often emergent, messy and experimental. We focus on strategy as something that people do rather than something that an organisation possesses. Since people are the building blocks of strategy, we recognise the fact that strategy is both a cognitive and a political activity.
Written by: Professor Peet Venter
Published by: Juta Academic
Date Published: 10/01/2014
Edition: 1st edition
ISBN: 9781485102519
Available in: Paperback