The Planetary Mixer is a 10LT no hub mixer with safety grid. It has a total volumetric capacity of 10Lt and is rated at 0.60kW. It has dimensions of 460 x 380 x 680mm and a plane-tary speed of 480 / 244 / 148RPM. It weighs 68kg.
10LT PLAneTArY mIxer - no hUb - wITh sAFeTY grId
UnIT mUsT be sToPPed beFore geAr ChAnge. ALL mIxers Come sTAndArd wITh doUgh hook, whIsk And FLAT beATer. IdeAL For smALL bAkerIes And home IndUsTrIes
SPeCIFICATIons - PmF5010 TOTAL VOLUMETRIC CAPACITY: 10Lt VOLTAGE: 220V - 50Hz POWER: 0.60kW DIMENSIONS: 460 x 380 x 680mm PLANEtARy SPEED: 480 / 244 / 148RPM WEIGHT: 68kg