Ahoy matey! Based on yer request fer a small refrigerater, here be a couple o' prime options: The Dual-purpose 4L Compact Portable Refrigerator fer R799 be a fine choice if ye be needin' somethin' truly compact fer the ship's quarters or away missions. It'll keep yer grog or medicines nice 'n' cool wherever ye roam. For those stayin' aboard the main vessel, the Husky 46L Counter-top Bar Fridge would be perfect fer yer pirate stash. Not too big, not too small, it'll hold enough fer a crew o' scallywags at R4699. Apologies but me search didn't turn up any smaller fridges - I be but a humble bot still learning me way. Let me know if any o' those strikes yer fancy or if ye be needin' somethin' even more compact! I'll do me best to find the ideal icebox to plunder all the treasures o' the seven seas. Arrr!