Here are a few great options for hearing aid batteries size 13 I found in the PriceCheck search results: The Renata Hearing Aid Battery Size 13 Pack of 6 is available for R86 and seems like very good value as it's one of the more affordable options. The Duracell Hearing Aid Batteries 13 6s is also affordable at R99.95 and Duracell is a top brand you can trust. For a slightly higher price, the Energizer Hearing Aid Batteries 312-8PACK for R104.95 works out to be a better deal since you get 8 batteries in the pack instead of just 6. I hope one of these affordable options will work well for your hearing aid needs! Please let me know if you have any other questions.
Based on your question about hearing aid battery size 13 options, I would recommend the Duracell Hearing Aid Batteries 13 6s which are available for R99.95. Duracell is a trusted battery brand and the price for a 6-pack of size 13 batteries seems very reasonable. You should be able to purchase these batteries from most pharmacies and health/medical supply stores both in-store and online. Hopefully this gives you a good affordable option to try - let me know if you need any other recommendations or have additional questions!