Hi am looking for hunters edge ciders?

Ahoy there matey! Based on yer question about Hunters Edge ciders, here be a couple 'o options that caught me eye from the search results: The "Hunters Dry 24 X 330ML Nrb" fer R375 looks to be a fine deal. As the name suggests, it be their dry cider - a crisp, refreshing classic that's perfect fer hot days or as an accompaniment to yer meals. Another treasure spotted be the "Hunters Gold 24 X 330ML Nrb" also goin' fer R375. Gold be their medium-bodied cider with more apple flavor - a delight fer those who like it a wee bit fuller. I'd recommend either 'o those highly as quality Hunter's Edge ciders in a barrel fer the whole crew! Let me know if ye be needin' anything else or have other questions. I be doin' me best navigatin' these cyber waters. Arrr!

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