Thanks for the request Captain PriceCheck! Based on the search results, unfortunately there doesn't seem to be any listings that specifically mention the Hotrods Braai Grids model BRA 100 LS. A few related products that may still be of interest include: The Weber 57cm Compact Kettle Braai for R2599.99. As a reputable braai brand, Weber grills are sure to deliver a great cooking experience. The compact size also makes it portable for camping or small spaces. The Lifespace Natural Lava Rocks For Gas Braais priced at R239 and R219 could be a nice accessory addition if using a gas braai. Lava rocks help distribute heat more evenly for indirect cooking. Apologies I don't have direct pricing for the specific model you asked about. As an experimental bot, my database may not include every product detail just yet. Please let me know if you need any other recommendations!