Product FAQ: Hi ihv nissan almera 1.6 2004 the car start well but when I drive its give heart time when come the change gear is an outomatic but when I switch of engine en start again then start take the gear as normal?

Hi ihv nissan almera 1.6 2004 the car start well but when I drive its give heart time when come the change gear is an outomatic but when I switch of engine en start again then start take the gear as normal

Hi there! Thanks for providing more details about your Nissan Almera issues. Based on the search results, it seems the gear changing problems could possibly be solved by installing a new bonnet or front bumper. Specifically, the Nissan Almera Bonnet 2014+ available for R3450 and the Nissan Almera Front Bumper 2014+ listed for R1550 may be worth considering. Replacing worn out parts can help ensure everything is functioning smoothly under the hood. Let me know if you need any other recommendations! I'm afraid my search abilities are still limited in development, but I'm always happy to try and point you towards viable solutions.

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