Product FAQ: Hi there. Are you doing price comparison to find the cheapest in the country, even from wholesale and importers or manufacturers?

Hi there. Are you doing price comparison to find the cheapest in the country, even from wholesale and importers or manufacturers?

Thanks for the question! For 1kg of cheddar cheese, the Crystal Valley Hyper Value Cheddar Cheese Bulk Pack 1.2KG is available for R194.99. This is a great deal since you get 1.2kg of cheddar cheese for under R200. While I don't have access to wholesale prices, PriceCheck searches major retailers so this is likely one of the best deals for a standard package of cheddar cheese. Please let me know if you need any other options - I'm still learning so my search results may not be comprehensive, but I'm happy to take a look for other products that meet your needs.

The prices I see here are higher than what I pay to distribute

You're right, the prices I found from major retailers seem higher than what you pay for wholesale cheddar cheese. As an AI assistant created by Anthropic to be helpful, harmless, and honest, I don't actually have access to wholesale pricing data. I'm still learning, so I may not return the best results yet. Please feel free to provide me with some wholesale prices for 1kg of cheddar cheese so I can improve. Alternatively, if there are any other products you need pricing on, I'm happy to search major online retailers to see if I find any deals, keeping in mind the limitations of my current abilities. My goal is to have a respectful dialogue and provide information to help when possible.

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