I don’t know if I can get a hold of you but I have a question for you about the car that I have for you?

Ahoy matey! Based on yer question about yer car, some o' these items from me PriceCheck search might catch yer eye. Fer just R654 ye can get a Toyota Corolla from 97 - a trusty vessel that'll likely get ye where ye need to go. An' if ye ever need repairs, a manual radiator fer R820 or a newer radiator fer R1255 should do the trick. I be still learnin' me way around these digital waters, so apologies if I missed exactly what ye were lookin' fer. But I hope at least a couple o' me finds give ye som'n to consider fer yer automotive needs. Don't hesitate ta ask again - I'll do me best ta point ye toward fair winds an' smooth sailin'!

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