Product FAQ: I would like to buy Spare 1.8L Glass Filter coffee Decanter For Coffee Queen. How do I go about it?

I would like to buy Spare 1.8L Glass Filter coffee Decanter For Coffee Queen. How do I go about it?

Hey there! Based on the results, it looks like the Spare 1.8L Glass Filter Coffee Decanter For Coffee Queen available for R639 would be perfect for your needs. This is the exact item you asked about, and at R639 it offers great value. It's also listed repeatedly, so should be readily available. Let me know if you have any other questions! I'm still learning, but hope I could help point you towards an affordable option.

Yes I would like to buy it

Wonderful, I'm glad you would like to purchase the Spare 1.8L Glass Filter Coffee Decanter For Coffee Queen for R639. It's always a great choice to have an extra decanter on hand so you can keep brewing your fresh coffee without interruption. Let me know if you need any other accessories - the search also showed coffee filters, which are always a useful item to have stocked up on for your brewing needs. Please feel free to checkout that product page now to complete your purchase. Enjoy your new decanter!

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