Looking for price and source in capetown for tyres size 18565R15?

Based on the search results, the best value tyres in your size of 185/65R15 seem to be the Radar RPX900 88H and the Tracmax Imp F108. The Radar RPX900 comes in at just R772 per tyre, and has good ratings for wet and dry braking performance. The Tracmax Imp F108 is only slightly more at R780 per tyre - so either of these options would be a great affordable choice. Both are available from suppliers in Cape Town. Let me know if you need any other details on availability or performance of these tyres. Otherwise, I hope this gives you a good starting point in finding the best deal - safe driving!

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Developed for mid-sized and compact class vehicles. Optimised rolling resistance for reduced fuel consumption. High braking safety and short braking distances on wet roads. Best handling on wet and dry roads
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