Price check of Nexgard at different stores?

Here are some great Nexgard options at different prices: - Nexgard Spectra For Dogs - Single 3.6-7.5KG Small Yellow is available for R165 from PriceCheck. This single-tab pack is perfect for smaller dogs under 7.5kg. - Nexgard Spectra For Dogs - 3 Pack 3.6-7.5KG Small Yellow is available for R469 from PriceCheck. Getting the 3-pack will work out to be a better deal if your small dog needs protection for 3 months. - Nexgard Spectra For Dogs - Single 7.6-15KG Medium Green is available for R230 from PriceCheck. Ideal for medium dogs from 7.6-15kg, this single tab offers month-long protection at a decent price point. - Nexgard Spectra For Dogs - 3 Pack 7.6-15KG Medium Green is available for R655 from PriceCheck. The 3-pack for medium dogs is very competitively priced for 3 months of flea and tick prevention. I hope these Nexgard options for small and medium dogs are helpful! Let me know if you need any other details.

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